Kedubes Papua NewGuinea

Senin 27 Maret 2006
Ke Kedubes PNG (Panin Centre) lantai 6 untuk mengurus Visa atas aplikasi Work Permit Number 07050548 yang sudah disetujui. Pasalnya 2 Juni 2005, Visa ini sudah bisa diambil. Satpam mengecewakan ditanya di mana letak Kedubes, tidak tahu malahan gantian bertanya PNG itu apa? - bagaimana akan mengamankan instalasi kalau letak yang diamankan pun mereka tidak tahu. Lapor masalah ini ke kedubes dan satpam lainnya.
Mbak Dina dari kedubes bilang hari Rabu bisa selesai tetapi aku harus urus Kelakuan Baik terlebih dahulu.
Minta tolong Bang Rizal seorang reserse soal kelakuan baik ini.
Hi Mimbar,
I am surprised to hear from you, as we organised your work permit and visa last year in June. At that time, approval for your visa was transmitted to the PNG Embassy in Jakarta on 2nd June 2005. You should check with the Embassy if they still have your approval on file. You will also have to submit your passport, a completed application for entry permit form, medicals (inc. HIV test result) and your police clearance. I have attached our standard list of forms and requirements for you to refer to.
The address of the embassy is as follows:
Papua New Guinea Embassy
Panin Bank Centre (6th Floor)
Jalan Jendral Sudirman 1
Tel: 7251 225 / 218 / 742
Fax: 7201 012
Please let me know as soon as possible if there are any problems. We may need to organise for retransmission of your visa as it has been 9 months since it was originally approved.
Kind regards,